Good News
 Good News!
Heard any good news lately? We have some to share. April 22, Day of Good News! Easter. It is not just a holiday, it is a day that should remind us of life, new life, resurrection! Just three days before that first Easter Sunday, Jesus had hung in blood and agony on His cross for many hours and then gave up his life to death. The mob of soldiers, curious bystanders, and angry religious and political leaders were entertained that day. Then they watched as His lifeless body was buried in a borrowed tomb, which He wouldn’t need long. Within 72 hours He rose and walked out, leaving sin, death and Satan defeated! Because Jesus lives, every sinner can experience the defeat of sin, Satan and death, enjoy His grace and peace in this life and then spend eternity with this conquering Savior and Divine King. That is Good News!
April 22, the day after Easter, BBN radio will be sharing live this story of hope and gladness on the radio and the internet from 6 AM to Noon. Please invite your friends, family and co-workers to join you in listening to this life-changing Good News. Please be praying with us that many lives will be transformed on this Day of Good News.
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
4/12/2019 4:26 PM
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