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How Did They Do It?
How Did They Do It?

Paul and Silas were doing God’s will as a girl possessed by an unclean spirit followed them around, and Paul cast out the demon in her which meant the end of the gain for her owners. Yet this girl was now liberated from the power of darkness, but rather than reward, Paul and Silas were attacked by the girl’s owners and slandered, beaten mercilessly and thrown in jail! Yet while they were in jail, no doubt bleeding and in intense pain, rather than protest, demand their rights or even writhe in pain, they prayed aloud and sang praises to God! The other prisoners who likely knew at least something about the situation, listened in rapt attention! Then out of the blue there was an earthquake that shook the prison doors open! Ah, now comes their reward for obedience! They’ll be released because they trusted in God! But we read the account in Acts 16:25 and following and we see that though they could have escaped, they did not! They waited until the Lord’s time and trusted Him, and through it all salvation came to the jailer and his family!

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Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  4/24/2019 3:52 PM
Number of Views:  3858

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