THE ONLY “forgotten” SON
THE ONLY “forgotten” SON
Ashley was quoting her Bible verse to her mother: John 3:16, she sweetly proceeded, “God so loved the world that He gave His only “forgotten” Son….” (haha). Isn’t it interesting how children can often make profound statements on accident? Sad to say, this little girl’s words prove more true than humorous.
As Christians we are greatly bothered by our society’s corrupting Christmas by commercialism. However, we can contribute to the demise and keep His Son forgotten by not sharing the good news. May we not be guilty of concealing the wonderful story because of shyness, carelessness, or busyness.
People tend to be more open to spiritual comments and literature during the Christmas season. Let us make time to share the good news of Him coming to our world to bring redemption. May our thoughts and attention go toward the Christ of Christmas and God’s heart for our world, more so than just family gatherings, gifts, or other preoccupations in this busy season. Let’s be intentional in celebrating His birth and life in our homes, lives, and activities, so that He is not God’s “forgotten” Son. Invite your friends to listen to BBN’s all-Christian Christmas music and programming in December (Perhaps you could send them a text message, email or Facebook post with this link?)
Merry Christmas from all of us here at BBN Bible Institute!
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
12/5/2019 3:11 PM
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