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There are some things that we can do in which it does not matter so much if we are a little off target. If we are estimating the amount of food that we want to cook for a meal for some friends and we cook a little too much, this is really no problem, since we could either send the extra home with our guests, or keep it ourselves for leftovers later on. But there are other things in which it is not good to be off the mark. An example of this is estimating the time to start from home to make it to the airport in time to catch an important flight. But even this pales in comparison to one certain thing that we absolutely cannot be wrong about. The one certain thing that we must be right about is the salvation of our eternal souls.

There is much false doctrine around today concerning the doctrine of salvation. In fact, there has always been false teaching about this most important topic. The enemy of our souls, Satan himself, desires that there be confusion concerning this issue. This is why the BBN Bible Institute offers a course exclusively dealing with the doctrine of salvation. Course number 00900, The Doctrine of Salvation taught by the eminent Bible teacher, Dr. Lehman Strauss, is included in the Introductory Division of studies. These courses are not only for new believers though they are designed for them, but they are also helpful for believers at any stage of Christian growth. Dr. Strauss’ clear teaching is invaluable for all believers since there are spiritual dangers all along the way to maturity. We trust that all who enroll in the BBN Bible Institute will profit by taking this much needed course.


Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  8/30/2007 4:31 PM
Number of Views:  6946

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