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Monument to A Sheep

In his travels in Europe a man came upon a unique building.  The public building had an unusual spire rising from it.  About two-thirds up the spire’s length was a stone figure of a sheep, and from the sheep’s back the spire continued to its point.  The fascinated tourist stopped a resident and asked if he knew the story of the spire.

The man relayed to him that as the masons were constructing the spire, one of them lost his balance and fell from the perilous height. 

“No doubt he was killed,” the tourist exclaimed!

“No,” was the surprising reply.  “His co-workers rushed to the pavement below expecting to find a mutilated body there.  What they found instead was a badly shaken mason and a dead sheep.”

“You see,” the resident continued, “a local farmer was escorting some sheep to market to be slaughtered.  The mason’s fall was broken by landing on the back of one of those sheep.  The builder had that stone sheep placed in the spire as a lasting tribute to the dying sheep that saved a craftsman from an awful death.”

Isn’t that story a great picture of what Christ the Lamb of God did for you and me?  He died in the place of sinners and the cross is still a reminder of that needed Sacrifice.

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Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  9/4/2007 11:49 AM
Number of Views:  6839

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