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When God uses a prophet to make a prediction, we know that the prediction will definitely occur, because God is, well, He is God! But, when He uses 12 different prophets to make the same prediction, then we know that He really wants our attention! The final 12 Books of the Old Testament are known as the Minor Prophets. These prophets are so named not because of any inferiority in their message, but simply due to the shorter length of their messages compared to the so-called Major Prophets.

Nearly every one of these Minor Prophets has a message of doom for the nation of Israel due to their rebellion toward God. Some direct their prophecies to other nations, such as Edom and Nineveh. Yet, though Israel’s downfall is prophesied by these prophets, without fail, each one also prophesies a coming future time of unparalleled peace and prosperity for the nation. Every prophecy that has already been fulfilled was fulfilled to the minutest detail. Therefore, again since their message is foremost the message of God, then we know that this coming time of peace is also going to happen just as they predict. Beyond this, we also know why this time will be such a great time of peace: the Messiah Himself, the Lord Jesus Christ will personally be on the earth ruling the world from the city of Jerusalem for 1,000 years! This truth is so glorious that the Lord spoke this same message with different facets through these great men of God, the Minor Prophets.

We believe that you, our students in the BBN BI, will greatly profit (no pun intended!) from these tremendous messages taught by a Bible teacher every BBN listener will be familiar with, Dr. Donald R. Hubbard. So, come on over to the BBN Bible Institute and access course number 30200, the Minor Prophets, and rejoice over the wonderful grace of our Savior to His needy people.

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  9/10/2007 1:59 PM
Number of Views:  7066

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