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Who Are You To Judge?

Do you know what the most often quoted passage of Scripture is?  I know you have heard it quoted.  “Judge not, that ye be not judged” (Matthew 7:1).

The truth is most people quoting this verse have no idea where it is found in Scripture, much less its context.

Has it struck you curiously that the only intolerance that is to be allowed in our world is intolerance by the immoral, godless crowd?  They scream intolerance when someone tries to hold to some standard of decency, godliness, or morality.  They are quick to quote one of the few Scripture phrases they care to remember, and use it to inflict guilt on a careful conscience with their pompous query:  “Who are you to judge?”

Is it really judgmental to side with God and say the same things that He says concerning right, wrong, and absolute?  Regardless of who resists or resents the fact, God has appointed Jesus Christ to be Judge of all things.  The Word of God states without apology God’s standards of righteousness.  The Bible also proclaims, “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.”  Jesus is the Judge; every individual will answer to Him personally.

Are you curious about the end of our world and how God’s judgments will be exercised?  Do you know why Christians will not face the same judgment as non-Christians?  Do you know why and when Christ will unapologetically assign Satan and all unbelievers to eternal damnation?

BBN-BI offers a course under our Bible Book Studies that will help you to more thoroughly and accurately understand the judgments of God.  We invite you to sign up for course #31600, Studies in Revelation.  This course is taught by renowned teacher, Dr. Dwight Pentecost.  Dr. Pentecost will guide you through the Book of Revelation in six, fifty minute lessons. 

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  10/5/2007 9:54 AM
Number of Views:  7105

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