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With tears in her eyes Sharon explained to Jessica that her little brother “had gone to be with Jesus.”  A day or two later the little girl heard her mother saying to a friend that she had “lost” her son.  With tender innocence Jessica questioned her:  “Mom, If Jordan went to be with Jesus and you know he is there, how can he be lost?”

There are many disappointments, distractions, destructions, delays, darkness,
diseases, and even deaths that cloud our lives and cause our little worlds to rumble, spin, and shake.  We are prone to ask “Why?”  We question: “Where is God?” “How could He do this?”

God uses many of these uninvited invaders in our lives to reroute, and instruct us.  When we feel the pain, when we are sweating the heat, or enduring the pelting storms we often do not sense God’s care or nearness.  Satan slithers into our minds and provokes us to doubt the genuineness of God’s love or the verity of His words.

Friend, rest assured God is absolutely holy, sovereign, and gracious.  The strains of life and the bombarding troubles, He takes and turns them into loving disciplines that turn us into His paths, clear our spiritual senses, and open our hearts to His holy assistance.

We have a great new course to recommend: #22100, God’s Discipline for Living.  There are 14 brief, powerfully helpful lessons in this series.  Share this with your friends and tell them about BBN and the Bible Institute.  And remember, “Let’s Talk About Jesus!”

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  6/10/2008 12:29 PM
Number of Views:  7423

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