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How Are We To Understand Our Times?

Here is a statement that may shock us, but as we think on it from a Biblical point of view, we see its truth. The statement is that it is not the destiny of believers in Christ to merely enjoy the forgiveness of our sins. The word merely there is the key to understanding not only the statement, but more importantly, to understand more clearly the answer to the question asked in this article. How are we to understand the times in which we live? Is there even the possibility to understand our times? In answer to that question we also find the key to our earlier statement. The destiny of believers in Christ is to reign with Christ in His 1,000 year Kingdom of peace and righteousness that has been prophesied since the time of Old Testament prophecies! Certainly we should enjoy the experience of sins forgiven, but that is not our ultimate destiny. The forgiveness of sins should motivate us to loyal and fervent service for our gracious Savior, Jesus Christ and therefore gain rewards in the coming Kingdom. This all simply highlights the grace and mercy of our wonderful Lord Jesus! Salvation is all of His grace and even rewards earned as believers is based on His extravagant grace!

But back to our original question, and now another question based on what we have just said: how are we to understand our times in relation to the coming Kingdom of our Lord Jesus? The answer is really very simple, yet profound at the same time. There is no need to attempt to figure out all the intricacies and mazes of the tangled webs of deceit and treachery that sin has caused in our world. We simply need to keep our focus on Christ and pleasing Him. As we do this, we will at the same time be the best citizens of both Heaven and earth that we can be! Each trial and hardship that our dark and ever-increasing times place in our path becomes only another opportunity to submit to our Savior and draw closer to Him! This will increase our love for Him and be an irrefutable witness to the lost world at the same time. (See 1 Peter 3:15).

The BBN BI is grateful for the opportunity to offer a course that helps us to understand this much better than we could explain it here. Course number 10800 in our Bible Doctrines section of the Institute is The Doctrine of Eschatology or last things taught by Dr. Dwight Pentecost. We trust you will take this remarkable course and learn more clearly how we are to understand our times!

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  6/16/2008 3:24 PM
Number of Views:  7241

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