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Men of Renown

Can you imagine what it was like to sit in the learning center of the School of the Prophets when Elijah was teaching and training (the first higher school of learning mentioned in Scripture)?  I wonder what their class room looked like?  I wonder what Elisha thought of Elijah his teacher?  I am convinced he never thought God would later select him to carry on and go beyond what Elijah ever had.

Perhaps many of our BI students and those that access our website do not realize the benefit of learning from teachers who truly are men of renown in preaching and teaching.  We have time-honored, men of God, such as (to name a few): Drs. Lehman Strauss, Donald Grey Barnhouse, Dwight Pentecost, John Walvoord, and Warren Wiersbe.  Many of our teachers (like Dwight Pentecost, pictured here) have spent more than forty years teaching in prestigious churches, schools, and conferences around the world.  They have been selected because of their ability to convey Scriptural truths but also because their lives have given credibility to their messages.  Some of these have graduated to Glory but fit in the class of Abel son of Adam, “He being dead yet speaks.”

Daily, people contact us to rejoice in what they are learning and how their lives, homes, churches, and ministries are benefiting from BBNBI.  We are glad to have you in our cyber classroom.  Share the secret with a friend.  BBNBI continues to add courses.  We now have over 100 from which you can select.  Remember the words of that great Bible scholar who penned Divinely inspired Scriptures: “Study to show thy self approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed…”

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  1/12/2009 11:22 AM
Number of Views:  7858

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