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Beware! Spoiled Believers


Spoiled Believers!

I remember distinctly once while in college, my roommate and I had made it a practice to buy groceries on Monday, and one particular Thursday afternoon, we began to smell something very unpleasant, though we couldn’t tell where it came from. Each day the smell became progressively worse until we followed it to a cabinet door, and we opened it, the stench almost made us physically ill! In that cabinet, we had put some groceries that we thought were nonperishable, but we had not noticed that a refrigerated package of potatoes had escaped our notice that should have been put in the refrigerator! We couldn’t retrieve that rotten package and put it in the garbage fast enough! We call food that is in that condition, spoiled or ruined. The Bible also speaks of things that can be ruined, and when so, it is as useless as those once appetizing package of potatoes. Paul wrote to the Colossians that we are to beware of those that would seek to ruin our faith through man’s philosophies rather than the truth of Christ. In Colossians 2:8, he said, “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” He made it clear that the doctrine that such people will attack is the truth about Christ! We call these groups that are deadly wrong concerning the truth of Christ, cults. What makes them deadly is that their false doctrines can affect our faith, causing it to become spoiled! It is truly a sickening thing to have our faith in Christ become ruined. When we have Jesus Christ as the Bible sets Him forth, we have all we need spiritually! Paul would not have warned us as believers about such a danger if it could not happen to us, and the BBN Bible Institute offers a free Bible course dealing with this very real danger. The course is number 52700, taught by Dr. Walter Martin, titled simply Beware of the Cults and we wanted to make you aware of it so as to be forewarned against such a possibility. If you know of a friend who would be helped by such a course, please share the news with them as well.


Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  10/18/2013 4:23 PM
Number of Views:  6671

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